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Top Fortnite players create a Fortnite Professional Players Association

The competitive Fortnite scene continues to develop. Now, players have banded together to create the Fortnite Professional Players Association (FNPPA). The idea of an association to represent players had bounced around for a while, and now it’s really happening. The FNPPA should provide players a strong and unified voice when communicating with Epic Games. Ultimately, this helps professional players stand together and push for changes that will benefit the competitive game. Other esports, such as Counter-Strike and League of Legends, have players associations. Fortnite is the latest esport to join the trend and unify professional players. Currently, two regions are represented in the FNPPA, but the statement implies more players will join shortly.

fortnite professional players association

What does this mean for Fortnite?

One of the biggest motivators to start an association was the lack of communication between Epic Games and players. Epic Games appears to ignore the competitive players’ suggestions for multiple updates at a time. Then Epic will occasionally throw competitive players a bone with a positive update. Overall, the game appears to cater to the large casual audience. The FNPPA should provide professional players a platform to speak as a group.

The top players have called for changes to competitive Fortnite multiple times. First, players asked for vehicles, specifically Ballers, to be removed. Then calls for separate loot pools began. Ultimately, the game remains the same for both competitive and casual players. Epic Games looks to keep the game the same between different game modes, but it hurts the competitive integrity of Fortnite. A perfect example was the addition of B.R.U.T.E. mechs in tournaments. The mechs had no purpose to be in tournaments. Unfortunately, Epic Games has a commitment to include all players, regardless of skill. They want to level the playing field for everyone.

Realistically, the best players will always dominate. Regardless of what Epic Games chooses to put into the game, a skill gap will remain. This association should provide a means for players to communicate with the developer in an organized and professional way.

Smartphone Terbaru Keluaran Samsung Nantinya Bisa Munculkan Iklan

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Sebuah rumor yang cukup menarik kini kembali beredar dikalangan para tech enthusiast, terlebih yang selalu mengikuti perkembangan dari gadget, karena sebuah rumor datang salah satu vendor ponsel yang saat ini menjadi nomor satu di dunia bahwa mereka mungkin akan memasukan iklan pada perangkat-perangkat ponsel miliknya.

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Pertama kali, hal ini dilaporkan oleh sebuah laman media dari German yaitu LetsGoDigital, mereka telah mengungkapkan informasi baru tentang vendor ponsel asal Korea Selatan tersebut. Dalam bocoran informasi tersebut, Samsung telah mendaftarkan merek Samsung Mobile Ads untuk memasukkan pengiklan ke dalam perangkat lunaknya. Di sini kami memberi tahu Anda semua perinciannya.

Hal ini semakin diperkuat oleh sebuah dokumen dari kantor kekayaan intelektual Uni Eropa (EUIPO) yang menampilkan sebuah paten dengan nama Samsung Mobile Ads. Menurut LetsGoDigital, nantinya layanan tersebut akan memungkinkan vendor lain untuk melakukan hal yang sama.

Seperti dapat dibaca dalam dokumen, paten ini masuk ke dalam kategori “smartphone, tablet, layanan iklan, iklan melalui jaringan ponsel, perangkat lunak untuk digunakan dalam iklan dan untuk menyewa ruang iklan di situs web”.

Terkait masalah ini, alih-alih mengkonfirmasi atau menolak data yang terkait dengan sistem periklanan yang gencar ini, Samsung cenderung bungkam.

Sebenarnya Samsung bukanlah yang pertama memasukan iklan dalam custom ROM buatan mereka, karena Xiaomi sudah melakukan hal tersebut jauh sebelum Samsung memulainya, Xiaomi beralasan jika iklan adalah sumber pemasukan utama karena margin keuntungan dari penjualan ponsel mereka cenderung tipis.


Sumber : LetsGo Digital

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Fortnite’s new matchmaking system aims to make match-ups fair

One of the most frustrating things for Fortnite players can be getting paired up with someone of a higher skill level than you. Now, according to a new blog post from Epic, a new matchmaking system hopes to correct this issue. They aim to do this by pairing up players of a similar skill level across all platforms.

Of course, that could be a bad thing considering how Fortnite is also on mobile devices, giving those players a slight control disadvantage. Epic’s ultimate goal at the end of the day is to make the game as evenly matched as possible. This is to prevent, for example, a veteran player from being matched with a relatively new player.

How this will work in Fortnite

According to Epic, their new system accounts for the various platforms and control inputs. It will then group players together according to their skill. Epic also states that they will continue to monitor all matches very closely. As such, be warned. Anyone who tries to take advantage of this new system through methods such as “smurfing” will be banned. Smurfing is where a veteran player purposely creates a new account to take advantage of new players.

On the topic of smurfing, we’ve seen discussion around players smurfing as a way to have easier matches. Smurfing is a bannable offense. We see a bunch of negative behavior that occurs with smurfing and issues with gameplay integrity. If we see consistent reports and perceive that you are negatively impacting other players’ experiences, we will take appropriate action.

It’s great to see Epic taking this seriously. You can check out a video below, explaining how big of a problem it has become in Fortnite.

Statement from Epic

Our goal with the new matchmaking system is to create fairer matches for all of our players, which includes special considerations for each platform. This means that where similar skill exists, players may be paired against opponents from ALL platforms – whether they’re using mouse + keyboard, a controller, or touch input. We are closely monitoring match analytics and your feedback, and we’ll make adjustments to ensure everyone is playing a fair match.

Hopefully, this will succeed in evening out the playing field despite the various platform differences. What do you think of this new system? Let us know in the comments below.

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