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The 5 types of esport team tactics

The Invisible Game” by Zoltan Andrejkovics was one of the assigned readings in the “Business of Esports” course I took this year. While he had all sorts of interesting things to say about the esports industry, one of my favorite chapters discussed the core elements of mental tactics in competitive gaming. I’ll be honest, I have no idea if these are real terms or if he invented them for his book, but they sound cool. So, I’m keeping them.

1. Playing the Meta

Of course, we need to start with the baseline, as every other tactic is about subverting this. The Meta is whatever tried-and-true strategies are well-known to work in a given situation. Many teams are famous for being ‘meta slaves’ and never deviating from the obvious playstyles. The two current OWL juggernauts (San Francisco Shock and Vancouver Titans) are both pretty famous for this.

2. Dragon Under the Ice

This strategy is all about being unpredictable. Choosing an off-meta hero, playing an unexpected team comp, or running a map in an unusual way… All of these are ways to throw your opponent out of their comfort zone. This playstyle is very high-risk high-reward, but when it pays off, it can lead to some amazing moments.

Some teams, like the Chengdu Hunters, specialize in Dragon Under the Ice. In their case, they opted for this because they didn’t have a main tank who knew Reinhardt, forcing them to get creative. Probably the most famous use of this tactic was the now-infamous GOATS comp:

Everyone thought it was funny when an Open Division team ran a bizarre, DPS-free comp. But that comp quickly proved so effective that it dominated the entire Overwatch circuit. Eventually, the devs had to implement the 2-2-2 role lock just to kill it.

3. Ghost with a Mask

This strat is all about showing one thing and doing another. In the previous strategy, the team surprises the opponent with an unorthodox move. In this one, they put on a facade of a more normal strat and hope the enemy takes the bait. The most famous instance of this in Overwatch League history was the Gladiators’ “Brigitte in Spawn” strat during the Season 1 quarter-finals:

The Spitfire thought the Gladiators were running a classic GOATS flank and repositioned themselves appropriately for the incoming push. What they didn’t know was that Surefour was hiding in spawn as Brigitte. This let him switch to Widowmaker and pop heads in their backline, and their defense was shattered before they realized what was happening.

Here’s another example performed by a single player. Logix retreats back into spawn, seemingly countered by Stratus’ Pharah. Remember Pharah’s job in this comp is to shut down the enemy Widow. However, Logix successfully baited him into flashbang distance and finishes him off with a quickswap to McCree.

4. Dangling Live Bait

But hidden information isn’t the only way to bait an opponent into making a mistake. This strategy is all about exposing your weaknesses to the enemy and then punishing them for taking the bait. A trap doesn’t necessarily need to hide information; sometimes it can just seem like an opportunity too good to be true.

Look at the Valiant’s positioning in this clip. Bunched up around the cart, they look like easy prey for Sombra’s ultimate. However, when Sombra appears right where they predicted, a clutch flail from Agilities completely wastes Sombra’s ult.

Backcappping is another popular use of this strategy. Let the enemy think they’re beating you, then send a single stealthy player to take the objective while they’re distracted.

5. The Obfuscating Hyena

This final tactic is the most paradoxical: intentionally making a bad call with no obvious benefit. It’s almost entirely psychological, saying that you are prepared to win against this foe even suboptimally. Because of its nonsensical nature, it can prove a powerful psychological advantage against an unsure opponent.

During the 2018 Stage 4 playoffs, the LA Gladiators had the second-best seed, letting them choose who they wanted to play first. Their options were the LA Valiant or the (significantly weaker) Dallas Fuel. To everyone’s surprise, they chose to have a “Battle for LA” to show everyone they were the strongest team in the city (unfortunately, they lost).

BMing (bad manners) is the most-often seen form of this strategy. There’s no real reason to tactically crouch or emote after a kill beyond riling up your opponent. But, as Gator learned in this clip, karmic retribution can be swift.

florida 5 dps tactic

Finally, your enemy might assume you have a dastardly plan and run something suboptimal against you. Florida Mayhem attempted this when running 5 DPS against the Shock during the anti-DPS GOATS meta. It also didn’t work. As these examples might show, this is the least successful of the five strategies, but it’s pretty great when it pays off.

While strategy in physical sports is obviously still a huge element, the removal of the physical sphere necessitates more attention played to mind games. At the professional level, almost everybody is going to have godly accuracy, game sense, and mechanical ability. Tactics become what separates the 1% from the rest.

Disclosure: Enthusiast Gaming owns both Daily Esports and a stake in the Vancouver Titans.

7 Settingan Call of Duty Mobile Yang Harus Segera Anda Rubah

Settingan Call of Duty Mobile -- Call of Duty Mobile akhirnya diluncurkan untuk semua orang, dan jika Anda ingin memulai dengan bena, Anda harus mengubah banyak hal settingan call of duty mobile, banyak pengaturan untuk penembak PVP F2P ini di iOS dan Android. Secara default, Anda akan terjebak dengan beberapa opsi kontrol terbatas, yang dirancang untuk pemain paling kasual. Anda harus merebut kembali kendali dari game, tetapi Anda akan menemukan banyak koleksi pengaturan. 

Settingan COD


Call of Duty Mobile memberi Anda akses instan ke mode permainan PVP dan Battle Royale. Anda harus mencapai Level 7 ~ atau lebih sebelum Battle Royale menjadi pilihan, tetapi itu tidak akan terlalu lama jika Anda seorang penembak cepat. Seperti versi Fortnite Mobile, Anda harus menangani banyak hal hanya dengan beberapa jari. Battle Royale membuat segalanya semakin rumit, karena Anda harus mengelola inventaris barang juga. Ada banyak hal yang dapat Anda lakukan - seperti menukar Pengaturan Loot, atau mengubah pengaturan tujuan senapan individual - yang dapat mengubah Anda menjadi master Call of Duty Mobile yang sebenarnya.

Settingan Call of Duty Mobile

Berikut adalah 7 settingan Call of Duty Mobile yang harus segera Anda atur dan rubah agar menjadi mahir dalam bermain game ini.

Tukar ke Advance Control Settings & Temukan Apa yang Sesuai Untuk Anda

Basic Control adalah standar - Anda hanya mengontrol gerakan dan aiming. Pada pengaturan paling dasar, Anda secara otomatis menembak kapan pun musuh memasuki garis bidik Anda. Berguna untuk terbiasa bermain dengan ponsel Anda, tetapi pada akhirnya Anda ingin meningkatkan ke Advance Control.

Ada beberapa varian berbeda pada Advance Control, tetapi kami menemukan versi terbaik secara otomatis menempatkan Anda ke dalam ADS (Aim-Down-Sights) ketika menembak. Bertukar dengan itu, dan Anda akan secara otomatis mendapatkan Aim yang lebih baik (tetapi gerakan lebih lambat) - ini mungkin terdengar seperti hal yang buruk, tetapi ada cara untuk mengatasi batasan ini.Kami akan membahasnya di bawah.

Uji Dan Ubah Turn / Lihat Sensitivitas Anda

Salah satu perubahan paling sederhana yang ingin Anda buat adalah Turn / Melihat Sensitivitas. Bergantung pada pengaturan touch and drag Anda, atau ukuran ponsel Anda, Anda akan ingin mengubah sensitivitas untuk berubah lebih cepat.

Anda juga dapat mengubah Snipper Sensitivity secara terpisah untuk meningkatkan teknik scope cepat. Ini adalah pengaturan yang berbeda, dan Anda perlu refleks cepat untuk mengimbangi pemain sungguhan. Banyak bot mungkin masih berdiri, tetapi pemain reguler suka berlari / meluncur terus-menerus.

Swap Shotguns Ke Hip Fire Dalam Custom Control Settings

Ingin menjadikan Shotgun senjata yang berharga? Jangan repot-repot Aiming-Down-Sights! Anda harus menembak cepat dan dekat. Setiap senjata, secara default, menuju ke ADS.

Jika Anda ingin menembak lebih cepat, buka Custom Control Settings di mana Anda dapat mengubah cara setiap senjata mengontrol. Setiap jenis senjata dapat diaktifkan - Anda dapat beralih antara Hip Fire dan ADS. Secara alami, Hip Fire adalah pilihan terbaik untuk Shotguns.

Turunkan Grafik Untuk Meningkatkan Kinerja

Seperti game di PC, Anda dapat menurunkan pengaturan grafis default dan meningkatkan Performa / FPS. Pengaturan standar mungkin tidak ideal untuk Anda (atau telepon khusus Anda) sehingga tidak ada salahnya untuk memeriksa gambar. Kami sarankan menurunkan grafik untuk mendapatkan gambar yang lebih jelas dengan kinerja yang lebih baik. Munculkan Framerate hingga maks!

Kecuali Anda memiliki telepon monster yang dapat dengan mudah menjalankan semuanya di Max dengan Performa Terbaik.

Aktifkan Selalu Berlari

Call of Duty: Mobile adalah game mobile - tidak banyak orang yang bermain dengan headphone aktif. Detail kecil seperti jejak peta mini biasanya diabaikan oleh sebagian besar pemain. Membuat banyak kebisingan dengan menjalankan bukan masalah besar dalam PVT atau BR. Itu sebabnya kami pikir perlu mengaktifkan opsi 'Always Sprint'.

Anda akan selalu bergerak lebih cepat, pastikan untuk memperlambat agar Anda bisa membidik dan menembak sesekali. Secara alami, Anda akan melambat secara alami ketika Anda menarik senjata ke atas, tetapi ada beberapa kelemahan. Anda harus memutuskan apakah pengaturan ini adalah sesuatu yang ingin Anda gunakan.

Turunkan Pengaturan Auto-Loot Anda Untuk Hindari Mengumpulkan Barang-Barang Yang Tidak Berharga

Pengaturan looting mungkin tidak masuk akal ketika Anda pertama kali melihatnya. Ada angka di sebelah setiap item yang dapat Anda kumpulkan - angka menunjukkan berapa banyak setiap item yang akan Anda kumpulkan secara otomatis. Atur angka menjadi 2, dan Anda akan secara otomatis mengumpulkan (dan equip) 2 Reflex Sights. Atur angka ke 0, dan Anda tidak akan mengumpulkan (atau equip) Tactical Scopes.

Anda dapat melakukan hal yang sama untuk setiap jenis item, kecuali untuk Amunisi dan Senjata. Semoga itu adalah pengaturan yang akan segera ditambahkan oleh pengembang.

Toggle On Aim Reset Untuk A Quick View Reset

Jika Anda menggunakan Advance Settings, Tap-To-Fire seperti itu, tampilan Anda akan berkeliaran sedikit-sedikit sambil berlarian. Untuk membuat hidup lebih mudah, kami sarankan mengaktifkan 'Aim Reset' yang menjentikkan crosshair Anda kembali ke tengah layar. Dengan begitu Anda tidak perlu mengatur ulang sendiri secara alami. Biasanya, ini akan membuat hidup lebih mudah.

Sekian paparan tentang settingan Call of Duty Mobile Yang Harus Segera Anda rubah

Overwatch Contenders Gauntlet: What you need to know

Overwatch League franchise San Francisco Shock won the 2019 Overwatch League Grand Finals in a 4 – 0 match. However, it is not the end of the competitive Overwatch season yet. The 2019 Overwatch Contenders tournament known as The Gauntlet will take place between Oct. 9 and 13. The biggest Contenders teams from the Atlantic and Pacific Division will battle it out at the Giga Arena in Seoul, South Korea for a $250,000 prize pool.

The Gauntlet 

The Gauntlet event is the equivalent of the grand finals for the Contenders Academy league. The top three teams of Korean Contenders; the first place teams of China, Pacific, and Europe Contenders; and the top four teams from North America regions have qualified. The initial event will feature 10 teams competing in group stages. The group stage consists of a double-elimination bracket where eight of the 10 teams are split into groups of four. 

Gauntlet Group Stages

However, the championship teams of each region will be given a pass to advance directly to the finals stage. The teams in each group will play in first-to-three matches, with the top three teams advancing to the finals stage. The 4th place team in each group will be eliminated. The finals stage will consist of eight teams in a double-elimination bracket as well. Matches are first-to-three, except for the winners’ finals, losers’ finals, and gauntlet finals, which are first to four. 

Overwatch Contenders 

From the Korean Contenders region, RunAway, Element Mystic, and Gen.G Esports are participants. First seed Runaway is one of the most well-known teams, as their entire Contenders Season 2 roster was acquired by Overwatch League franchise Vancouver Titans. During the 2018 – 2019 season, the Runaway roster has achieved multiple 1st place finishes during Contenders and NetEase Esports Tournaments. 

All about Overwatch Contenders Gauntlet

LGE.Huya is the top team representing the China region at Contenders Gauntlet. This team is the academy team for Overwatch League franchise Chengdu Hunters. It features a half Chinese, half Korean roster. The team took first in Season 1 and Season 2 of China Contenders. However, they fell short to Pacific region powerhouse Talon Esports in the Pacific Showdown.

The four teams from the North America regions were decided after the North America East and North America West Grand Finals. The two runner-up teams faced each other, along with the East and West Champion teams competing. In the end, Atlanta Reign Academy took the first seed, while Team Envy, XL2 Academy, and the Los Angeles Gladiators Legion made up the other three spots in that order.

All about Overwatch Contenders Gauntlet

The Southeast Asia region’s first-place team is Hong Kong esports organization Talon Esports. The team’s mixed Korean, Thailand, Taiwanese, and Hong Kong roster won both Season 1 and 2 of the Pacific Contenders. The organization tried to make a run for Korea Contenders in early 2019 but placed 7th during Trials.

Gauntlet activities

For those attending the Overwatch Contenders Gauntlet event in Seoul, there will be many activities being hosted. Other than the usual Overwatch store for merchandise, there will also be arcade-like games. A Photo Zone will be there so fans can take pictures with Gauntlet backgrounds and Overwatch heroes.

Overwatch Contenders

There will also be a Giant Pachimari Doll along with a Nerf Gun Game, which can be often seen at Korean Overwatch events. A Hammer Game will be hosted where fans will win Overwatch prizes based on their Earthshatter strength. Finally, a Workshop Station mode has been designed for players to try out, in groups of six at a time.

Overwatch Contenders Gauntlet will be available on Twitch with channels for English, Korean, German, Russian, Spanish, and Portuguese. There will also be four platforms for Mandarin speakers: Zhanqi, NetEase CC, Bilibili, and Huya.

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