Do you know that there are a lot of people out there who became famous by showing their singing talent? Actually, today’s app is about the singing category which is so famous and known as “Smule VIP Apk” for Android.
As I said a lot of people get the chance to become famous through such platforms but they miss those golden opportunities. The reason behind that is that they mostly don’t know about such sources. Therefore, in today’s article, I have decided to bring something more creative for my precious viewers. I hope you are going to like it and get full benefits out of it.
However, you can only get an advantage if you download and install it on your phones. If you are interested in this app then scroll down to the end of this page there you will get a download button so click on it.
In the last, if you think it is really amazing and helpful for you guys then you must share it with your friends and colleagues. There are a lot of good singers in the world but they don’t get platforms like this so share with them and help them.
About Smule VIP
A lot of people don’t know about the Smule VIP Apk version of the app which is a modified version of its official application. Basically, it is a platform where you can meet millions of people from all over the world who are sharing their singing skills. So, you can also become one of those singers while sharing your voice.
If you have used the Karaoke forum then you will probably know about this app. Basically, it offers you millions of songs from all over the world. Further, they only provide the tones or you can say music and you can add your own voice while directly recording from your phone.
Actually, you need to record life but before that, you have to select a tune or music with which you want to sing. Right in the app, you will get a navigation button where you can find desired songs and select them to record your voice with its music.
Furthermore, you have tons of Audio effects which you can only see in professional studios. But you are getting those sound effects or audio effects for free right on your phones. Moreover, it provides you with the lyrics and music so you only supposed to add your melodious voice.
However, I have used this application several times and I have tried my own voice but trust me it is terrible which is why I left this forum. So, just like me, there are so many other people who are not born for singing but still, they are sharing their cringy content. However, I don’t support such kind of stuff because this is designed for talented and hardworking people who really possess that talent.
Nevertheless, I have found a majority of people share the best songs and they even have a better version of voices. Therefore, I recommend you guys to use it to expose your singing capacities.
Smule VIP (Apk) Details
Name | Smule VIP |
Version | v6.5.3 |
Size | 47.69 MB |
Developer | Smule |
Package Name | com.smule.singandroid |
Price | Free |
Required Android | 4.4 and Up |
Why use Smule VIP Apk?
Basically, I don’t force someone to use this but there are definitely some reasons for which I prefer this platform for my viewers. First of all, if you are a good artist and have the ability to sing well then you need a source to show yourself. So, Smule VIP Apk is one of those sources where you can show off yourself as a good artist.
Further, this application offers you to share your audio as well as Video. So, it gives you an opportunity to show or expose your face too. Moreover, there is an option for you to enjoy Collaboration singing videos. So, select any random video and add yours then save it or share it on your social networking platforms to tell your friends how talented you are.
This is a mega platform with millions of registered users from across the globe. It offers you music from all the categories and countries. Furthermore, it offers you music from all the world-famous or mostly spoken languages. If you think you have really got that much talent and if you can inspire people then download Smule VIP Apk for Android. You can download the Apk file by clicking on the below download button and install it on your phones.
Direct Download Link
11 Contoh kasus penipuan online yang sering terjadi
Contoh penipuan yang sering terjadi didunia maya
1. Penipuan undian berhadiah
2. Bisnis Palsu
Selengkapnya : Remaja ini ditawan anggota qnet
3. Phising web login palsu
Phising merupakan halaman fake login dimana anda melihat tampilan halaman yang sangat mirip dengan facebook atau google tapi url addressnya bukan situs resmi tersebut melainkan url lain yang mirip atau sama sekali tidak mirip
4. Bisnis MLM pay to
Saya pernah didatangi anggota DNI (oknumnya) dijanjikan kaya raya dan punya harta benda dengan sistem MLM yang menguntungkan dan saya hanya ketawa keras lalu saya suruh mereka pulang dan cari downline lain
5. Pencucian uang
Pencucian uang mungkin sering anda dengar diberita televisi, penipuan didunia maya juga kerap menggunakan teknik pencucian uang . Pelaku meminta nomor rekening kepada korban untuk di isi uang atau dijanjikan akan di isi uang . Benar atau tidaknya nomor rekening anda nantinya digunakan untuk menciptakan alur penipuan agar tidak terlacak termasuk mungkin rekening anda mendapatkan kiriman sejumlah uang dan anda diminta untuk mengirimkan balik uang tersebut ke rekening yang lain .
Ini adalah metode yang biasa digunakan koruptor dalam mengalirkan uang hasil korupsi jadi tidak semua rekening yang berputar dalam alur pencucian uang adalah tersangka, bisa jadi dia justru adalah korbannya
Tipsnya orang lain boleh mengetahui nomor rekening anda tapi jangan ikut berpartisipasi dalam memutar uang , dengan mengirimnya ke nomor rekening lain sebagai imbalan cukup diamkan saja jika ada uang masuk . Hati-hati dengan orang tidak dikenal yang tiba-tiba meminta nomor rekening anda dengan dalih akan memberikan hadiah
6. Hacking cracking
Mencuri uang di internet biasa dilakukan oleh hacker dan cracker , mungkin anda mengenal tukang carding yang menggunakan kartu kredit orang lain untuk berbelanja barang sepuasnya . Untuk mendapatkan data berupa CC .. mereka menggunakan metode phising , mengelabui korbannya dengan menelepon langsung kemudian mengaku sebagai penerbit kartu sambil meminta nomor dibelakang kartu , mengacak dengan brute force atau melalui virus perekam keyboard yang di sisipkan kedalam bundling instalasi program ternamaAnda mendownload software ccleaner di blog tanpa disadari pemilik blog telah menyisipkan spyware untuk merekam ketukan keyboard dan panen banyak data akun penting seperti fb , email , bank , paypal , kartu kredit dll ( hanya misal )
Tipsnya selalu berhati-hati , jika ingin login pastikan url addressnya sudah benar/resmi , untuk inputan password jika anda khawatir dengan spyware gunakan software password safety yang akan menyimpan semua password anda dengan eksripsi paling aman jadi anda seperti melakukan copy paste bukan mengetuk keyboard
Gunakan perangkat pribadi, bisa jadi laptop teman anda / diwarnet telah disisipi keylogger dan pastikan perangkat yang anda gunakan terpasang antivirus terupdate
7. Hati-hati dengan rekber palsu
Rekber atau rekening bersama merupakan metode pengaman transaksi jual beli dengan menggunakan pihak pengaman sebagai orang ketiga. Disini ada 3 orang terlibat dalam transaksi yaitu penjual , pembeli dan rekberPembeli mengirim uang kepada rekber dengan fee , setelah uang diterima rekber maka selanjutnya penjual memberikan barang kepada pembeli . Ketika pembeli sudah mendapat barang dan mengatakan "done" maka rekber meneruskan uang kepada penjual
Sayangnya diluaran sana ada banyak jasa rekber abal-abal , tips dari saya adalah gunakan rekber terpercaya seperti ecommerce tokopedia , bukalapak , fiverr , pstore dll yang sistemnya otomatis
8. Bisnis investasi
Investasi ya hmm seperti mata uang digital bitcoin atau etherium dimana anda membeli banyak coin digital dengan uang namun ratenya bukannya malah naik tapi malah turun , rugi dong . .Selain itu banyak juga bisnis investasi penipuan , anda diminta donasi untuk pembangunan website portal kesehatan dengan sistem bagi hasil , kenyataannya anda tidak pernah mendapatkan transferan kiriman
Investasi memang menguntungkan tapi kalau dipikir sekilas untungnya sebenarnya tidak banyak . Saya nabung deposito bunga 7%/bulan tiap tahun bayar premi sekian persen untuk aktivasi 4 juta katakanlah dalam 3 tahun kedepan saya dijanjikan dapat 40 juta dengan modal 25 juta kalau dipikir sekilas keuntungan saya hanya 8 juta selama 3 tahun dan itu tidak boleh diambil sampai jatuh tempo, belum kalau rate dolarnya turun
Yaah sebelum berinvestasi didunia maya pastikan anda mengerti benar tentang peluang keuntungan jangan sampai anda menyesal dikemudian hari
9. Penjual pulsa online banyak yang menipu
Haha saya sering lihat digrub banyak penipu dengan fake akun berjualan pulsa dan kuota , kalau tidak salah mereka menawarkan jasa tembak kuota supaya bisa internet unlimited. Sebenarnya itu bukan hoax sih hanya saja saya lihat promosinya terkesan berlebihan dan terlihat seperti ingin penipuUntuk membuktikannya sederhana, yaitu gunakan jasa rekber atau pulber , jika mereka tidak berani fix mereka penipu lagian sistem rekber yang bayar fee adalah buyer sementara penjual tinggal terima bersih
Kalau beli pulsa jangan lewat orang tidak dikenal atau web pulsa otomatis abal-abal , lewat ecommerce atau mbanking-kan bisa untuk menghindari aksi penipuan
10. Menjual produk dengan harga murah
Banyak penipu menawarkan suatu barang dengan harga murah , bisa jadi karena dia mengaku sebagai supplier atau malah barangnya kualitas dua alias KW hehe atau bisa juga setelah anda mengirim sejumlah uang langsug diblokir sehingga lost kontakSemua transaksi apapun jenisnya atau berapapun nominalnya selalu gunakan sistem rekber , nah saya pernah ketipu cuma 50 ribu sih untuk membeli artikel . Memang nominalnya kecil tapi bukan 50 ribunya yang bikin emosi tapi kena tipunya itu lho ????, niat hati ingin membangun relasi untuk kerjasama jangka panjang ehh malah ditipu
11. Struk palsu
Sekarang banyak program affilasi yang menguntungkan , atau dropship tinggal jualin produk orang dengan harga sendiri . Sayangnya anda harus berhati-hati dengan struk bukti pembayaran palsu bisa jadi itu hasil editan photoshop atau ambil digoogleSaran saya install ebanking guna memudahkan proses cek mutasi , lagi pula install ebanking dan mbanking juga gratiskan?
Baca juga : Cara menghasilkan uang secara online
Kesintisiz Tv Apk v9.2 Download For Android
Watching movies or Tv programs directly on a Smartphone is a good experience for everyone as they are handy and lite weighted. Therefore, I have shared an app “Kesintisiz Tv Apk” for Android which is free to download and use.
I have provided the download link at the end of this page as well as in the middle of this post. So, by click on the given download button, you can get the latest and updated version of the application right from this article.
Apart from the Apk file, I have also written a comprehensive article where I have discussed all the features of the app. Therefore, I recommend you guys to please read this article carefully and share it with your friends so they can also enjoy it on their mobiles. Here in this article, you will come to know what kind of content you can stream and how you can stream or how it works.
About Kesintisiz Tv
Kesintisiz Tv Apk is a television streaming application for Android smartphones and tablets. This streaming app is compatible with even 4.0 and up version Android Operating Systems. Therefore, it even works perfectly on low-end devices. Further, it has more than 5 categories or fields of channels that you can enjoy on your Android devices without any kind of interruption.
As you know such applications are mostly designed for speed internet conventions which is why they don’t operate with a low internet connection. But you can easily watch all your favorite programs in HD video quality even on 3G network.
There is a whole portion of the app where you can get movies from all over the world. Furthermore, there is no any kind of option for sign-up or registration. So, download, install the Apk file and enjoy a huge variety of tv stations right on your Androids.
There is one problem for those who don’t understand the Turkish language because this application is only available in that one language. So, you are going to have trouble while finding out your desired content on the app. Even though titles are the same for most Hollywood movies but I don’t know whether they are dubbed in Turkish or not.
However, I have checked this application on my own phone to find out threats or malicious files. Further, I have also tried to know whether it works perfectly or not. So, I came to this conclusion that it is faster and works accurately.
But I could not get a chance to check out the films and in which language they are offering those contents. Therefore, I recommend you guys to download KES?NT?S?ZTV Apk and install it on your phone to experience it by yourself.
Kesintisiz Tv (Apk) Details
Name | Kesintisiz Tv |
Version | v9.2 |
Size | 6.00 MB |
Developer | unknown |
Package Name | kesntsz.tvcopy2 |
Price | Free |
Required Android | 4.2 and up |
How does it work?
First of all, I just want to make it clear that these kinds of applications or tools are illegal although they don’t put you in serious issues. Further, such platforms either extract content from other sites and servers where they are already available.
The developers also claim that they don’t store any kind of video or other data on their servers. Although to some extent it makes their claim legitimate but still, they are not allowed to broadcast such stuff.
When it comes to its working procedure then there is nothing that much special to share here because it is simple and works in a way that other apps do. So, just download Kesintisiz Tv Apk for your Android mobile phones and install it. After that, you will be able to get access to all its content so there is no registration required for that.
You can also try the following app to easily watch Turkish content
Wolf Room
ScreenShots of the App
Key Features
You cannot count or point out features when it comes to entertainment. There are two basics things that all these kinds of apps need to offer a first quality of content and second is uninterrupted streaming. Although video display is also one of the important factors, which is best when you are talking about the app Kesintisiz Tv Apk. However, I have still found out some features for you guys which you can check out here below.
- It is a free platform to stream all of your favorite Tv shows.
- There you have a separate sports portion so you can watch sports news, shows, matches, and other events.
- It is offering you to enjoy channels with HD quality video.
- There are ads placed by the developers for income generation.
- There you can explore many more.
So, I hope you have got an idea about this tool that you are going to have in there. If you think I have missed something then kindly let me know about that through our contact address. Now you can download the latest version of Kesintisiz Tv Apk for Android mobile phones. To download the Apk file of this television streaming app you must click on the below download button.
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