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Microsoft warns Windows 10 users to update immediately Over ‘Critical’ Vulnerabilities

Windows10 Update

Microsoft - Windows10 Update:

Microsoft is warning 800M Windows 10 users to update their operating system immediately because of two "critical" vulnerabilities.

The company said the vulnerabilities are potentially "wormable," meaning affected computers could spread viruses and malware without any action on the user's part.
There are "potentially hundreds of millions of vulnerable computers," Simon Pope, Microsoft's director of Incident Response, wrote in a blog post Tuesday.
“It is very important that affected systems are patched as quickly as possible because of the elevated risks associated with wormable vulnerabilities like these, and downloads for these can be found in the Microsoft Security Update Guide,” he said.
It is better to update the latest security patch updates to get resued from the wormable vulnerabilities and also not been affected to spread viruses and malware.

Here's How to Update Windows 10
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